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  1. Business Information
    Name of legal entity: Sound Pot Ltd.
    Address: 1-6-3 Minami Karasuyama, Setagaya City, Tokyo
    Representative: Akikazu Nakamura
  2. Method of Obtaining Personal Information
    When a user registers for use, the Company obtains personally identifiable information such
    as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address and credit card number.
    When submitting an enquiry form or comment, we will obtain your name, telephone
    number and e-mail address.
  3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
    The acquired information such as browsing and purchasing history will be analysed and used
    to inform users of new products and services suitable for them in the music business. In
    addition, the acquired information on browsing and purchasing history, etc. will be scored
    and the score will be provided to a third party.
    To inform the user of new functions, updates, campaign information, etc. of the services the
    user is using by sending e-mails;
    To contact users as necessary, for example for maintenance of the service they are using;
    To respond to comments and enquiries from users;
    To identify users who have violated the Terms of Use or used the service for other illegal or
    unjust purposes, and to refuse their use of the service;
    To bill users who are using a paid plan for their usage fees;
    The purposes of use of personal information shall only be changed if the relevance before
    and after the change is deemed reasonable;
    In the event of a change to the purpose of use of personal information, the Company shall
    notify the User of the changed purpose by the method prescribed by the Company, and
    shall also make a public announcement on the website.
  4. Measures for Safe Management of Personal Data
    The Company endeavours to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date and provides
    education and training to all employees and officers to protect it from unauthorised access,
    alteration, leakage, loss or damage. In addition, personal data protection regulations have
    been established and on-site management is regularly inspected.
  5. Joint use of Personal Data
    The Company shares personal data as follows:
    Person responsible for the management of personal data;
    Sound Pot Ltd.;
    Purposes of use by persons with whom personal data is shared;
    Same as in 'Purposes of use' above;
    Items of use;
    Name, address, telephone number, email address;
    Scope of joint users; Companies that make up our corporate group.
  1. Provision of Personal data to Third Parties
    The Company will not provide personal data to third parties without consent, except in the
    following cases:
    When required by law;
    Where it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of a person and it is
    difficult to obtain the consent of the person;
    Where the provision of personal information is particularly necessary for improving public
    health or promoting the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the
    consent of the person concerned;
    When it is necessary to cooperate with a state body, a local authority or an individual or
    entity entrusted by one in executing the affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent
    of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs in question;
    When the following matters have been notified or made public to the person in advance
    and the Company has notified the Personal Data Protection Commission;
    The purpose of use is to provide the data to a third party;
    Items of personal data to be provided to third parties;
    Method of provision to third parties;
    Cessation of provision of such personal data to third parties at the request of the person
    Method of accepting the request of the person in question.
    7.Handling of Anonymised Processed Information
    When creating anonymised processed information (personal information that has been
    processed so that a specific individual cannot be identified and that cannot be restored), the
    Company will take the following measures:
    Appropriate processing is carried out in accordance with the standards set out in the law;
    Take security control measures in accordance with the standards set out in the law;
    Disclose the items of information relating to the individual contained in the anonymised
    processed information;
    Checking against other information in order to identify the individual whose personal data
    was used to create the anonymised information.
  2. Disclosure and Correction of Retained Personal Data
    When a person requests disclosure of his/her personal data, the Company shall disclose it to
    the person without delay. Those wishing to be informed of the purpose of use of their
    personal data, or to make corrections, additions or deletions, or to stop the use or provision
    of their personal data to third parties, should make their request in accordance with the
    following procedure.
    (i) Please send the following documents by post to the enquiry desk.
    (ii) Request form for disclosure of retained personal data
    (iii) A copy of a document confirming the identity of the applicant (a photo ID such as
  3. a driver's licence, personal number card, residence card, special permanent
  4. resident certificate, passport, etc.)
  5. (iv) Fee (500 yen per request as an administration fee)
  6. Please send to:
  7. Minami-Karasuyama 1-6-3,
  8. Setagaya City, Tokyo,
  9. 157-0062
  10. Contact for consultations and complaints regarding the handling of personal information.
  11. If you have any questions, queries, complaints or other enquiries about our handling of
  12. personal information, please contact us using the enquiry form.
  1. SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
    Our website is SSL-compatible and encrypts communications between web browsers and
    web servers. Personal information entered by users, such as name, address and telephone
    number, is automatically encrypted.
    11.About Cookies
    A cookie is a piece of data sent from a web server to a web browser, which enables the web
    server to identify the user's computer by referring to the cookie and to use the Company's
    website efficiently. The files sent as cookies by our website do not contain any personally
    identifiable information.
    You can also disable cookies in your web browser settings.
    12.Date of Enactment and Revision of the Privacy Policy
    Established: 1 April 2018.
    Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on the Company's
    website, the Company accepts no responsibility for any actions taken by users using the
    information on the Company's website.
    The Company accepts no liability for any damage to users or damage caused by users to
    third parties as a result of their use of the Company's website.
    14.Copyright and Portrait Rights
    The text, images and all content on the Company's website are protected by copyright and
    portrait rights, and unauthorised use or diversion is prohibited.
    Links to our websites may be freely established. However, depending on the content of the
    website, we may refuse the establishment of links.